Public Space & Safety

A pleasant and liveable public space is essential for a prime location like Zuidas. Every day thousands of people use the bicycle parkings, inner gardens, green areas, squares and stations. That is why Hello Zuidas has agreements with the municipality of Amsterdam to maintain the professional and clean look of Zuidas. Hello Zuidas also organizes the Facility Management Platform three times a year, in which facility managers and office managers from public and private parties come together to discuss area-wide themes in the public space. For example: smoking, waste logistics, management and greenery.  

In addition, we organize the Safety Platform three times a year. Security officers from medium-sized and large companies and various institutions are present, in combination with representatives of the police, fire brigade, safety region and municipality. Participants receive information about developments regarding safety in the area. Topics that are addressed include terrorist threats, fire in high-rise buildings, social security, cyber security and evacuation procedures. Safety experts are invited based on the agenda. Training is also offered.