Zowerkthet.nl for flexible working (at home) and smart travelling
From today you will find everything to do with flexible working (at home) and smart travel on the new platform Zowerkthet.nl . At the initiative of the mobility network Stichting Breikers, eighteen regional mobility networks have joined forces. For the time being, working from home (where possible) remains the norm to keep corona under control. How do you facilitate employees to work from home? What is the best way to travel if you do go to work? Zowerkthet.nl supports employers and employees with tips, tools and inspiring examples.
Working from home has really taken off in recent months. Various studies have shown that a large number of employees want to keep this change. In addition, we notice that the rush hour has decreased enormously. Even now that car traffic is already at about 93% of the pre-corona era, the traffic jams are certainly not back at the same level. Good news, because working from home and traveling outside of rush hour has many positive effects; better concentration, less stress, less absenteeism, more happiness at work, faster traffic flow on the roads, more seats in public transport and cleaner air.
The aim of the national platform is to inspire and support employers and employees in making smart (er) travel choices in the field of work and travel. On Zowerkthet.nl, employees will find, for example, a homeworking checklist, inspiring stories from people who recently started traveling differently and links to all kinds of useful tools and apps in the field of cycling, car sharing and parking.
For employers there is a great deal of knowledge in the field of behavioral change, stimulating cycling among employees, taxation, an overview of national campaigns that you can use as a company and inspiring stories from other organizations.
Free tailor-made advice
Are you struggling as an employer? Then you can contact the mobility network in your region for free tailor-made advice. They have a lot of knowledge and expertise in house. For example, tailor-made advice includes a zip code scan to avoid unnecessary travel time for employees, linking companies that experience the same accessibility problems, help with cost reduction or making mobility solutions transparent.
Zowerkthet.nl bundles the knowledge of the Foundation Breikers (Metropolitan Region Amsterdam), Slim and Clean On the way (Arnhem-Nijmegen), South Limburg Accessible, Brabant Mobility network & SmartwayZ.NL (NoordBrabant and Limburg), Slim & Schoon Reizen (Cleantech Region), Groningen Accessible (Groningen), De Verkeersonderneming, Accessible Haaglanden and Rhineland, Accessible together (South Holland), Drenthe travels sustainable (Drenthe), Work Smart, Travel Smart (Leeuwarden / Fryslân), IJmond Accessible (IJmond), Slim & Green On the Road (Northern Netherlands), Goedopweg (Central Netherlands), Travel differently (National), Twente Mobiel & Smart and Sustainable Mobility region Zwolle (Overijssel).